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Drive full-scale transformation without the risk. By relying on the industry's deepest, field-proven portfolio, you'll achieve maximum RFID gains, while minimizing the pains associated with poorly engineered solutions. Connect every device, asset and worker into a consistent, fully scaled platform that anticipates real-world challenges, elevates the performance of each component, and automates processes to allow workers to achieve more.
Integrated Long-Range UHF RFID Handheld Reader
BEST-IN-CLASS RFID READ RANGE WITH A POWERFUL ANDROID PLATFORM The MC3390R long-range RFID handheld reader brings a new level of efficiency and accuracy to inventory management, order fulfilment, cross-docking, and more. The integrated long-range antenna supports a best-in-class RFID read range, and coupled with Zebra’s high-performance ASIC radio technology. The MC3390R is built for your semi-industrial environments, yet is lightweight with the right ergonomics for all-day comfort.
Zebra MC3390R RFID Reader Specification
Zebra MC3390R RFID Reader Features
By leveraging the FX9600, Gramedia has successfully attained maximum visibility and accuracy in tracking the vast quantities of items entering and exiting the store, streamlined inventory management processes, ensuring meticulous tracking of every product within the store for enhanced operational efficiency.
On the other hand, the AN480 and AN440 are designed to scan item movements within a wider area, allowing for more accurate scanning. These devices will prevent shopping items from being taken out of the store without proper checkout, either by the cashier or through self-checkout services. With the implementation of Zebra solutions, Gramedia collaborates with Zebra Premier Partner, PT Duta Kalingga Pratama (DKP).
PT Duta Kalingga Pratama (DKP) has been a vital strategic partner in Gramedia's digital transformation journey. Their responsiveness and solution-oriented approach in addressing Gramedia's requirements for self-checkout services and inventory control have been commendable. The swift and efficient Zebra implementation enabled Gramedia to rapidly introduce these innovative services to its loyal customers.
The Zebra RFID solutions have had a profound effect on operations, notably in enriching customers' shopping experiences through quicker, more accurate and more efficient self-checkout services. This has led to a reduction in manual input errors and minimized record process errors. Specifically, Gramedia has achieved up to a 50% saving in stock opname time, along with a 50% accuracy improvement compared to its operations before utilizing Zebra solutions. Gramedia anticipates further collaboration in delivering more innovations to its customers.
The Zebra RFID solutions have become an essential component of Gramedia's initiatives to introduce new shopping experiences to customers, ultimately enhancing the quality of services provided to Gramedia's loyal customers.